Thursday, April 15, 2010

First Product Recommendation!

I am hoping most of you already know about this product and use it daily, as I do, but you would be amazed how often I am asked about in public. The Munchkin Powdered Formula Dispenser has made my life SO much easier! I can quickly and easily pack three bottles to take with us for a day "in town," a flight or whatever. By pre-measuring the formula into each little cup, I can then have bottles already filled with the proper amount of water and have a ready-made bottle in seconds.

For the random occasion when I want the option of making different size bottles on the go, I just put stickers on the outside of the Dispenser so I can differentiate.

At less than $5, this is a no-brainer must-have!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome to the Blog!

Greetings Friends & Fellow Mommies!

My name is Emily and I am a Stay-at-Home Mommy to two little girls, currently living in a VERY small town on the Eastern plains of Colorado. Being a full-time Mommy is something I have always wanted and, in my opinion, is the most important job in the world. I also have to admit that it is a pretty tough one, at times. As any SAHM will tell you, our job never stops. Around the clock, we are responsible for the care and development of our precious little ones. This often leads us to the question: "isn't there an easier way to [insert any activity]?"

As a former entrepreneur and career go-getter, my desire to "stay in the game" has not gone away just because I am more than busy at home. In fact, while balancing life with two little ones, I find my MOMpreneurial instincts keep nipping at me and inspiring me to do more! It goes back to that question of finding an easier way... Along those lines, I am in the very early stages of developing two products (one for babies, one for Moms) that I believe will be absolute Mommy Must-Haves! As I recently mulled them over in my head (for the millionth time) and began draw designs and think about how to take something from idea to production, a new idea for this blog was born!

I know there are many sites out there that offer product reviews and even more Mommy blogs, but I still felt there was a niche not being filled. This blog is a place where I, and only my most trusted Mommy friends, will recommend products that top our list of Mommy Must-Haves, offering an easier way! Products will include those that many people might not otherwise know about and I hope we can help other Mommies ease their day-t0-day routines with affordable, proven solutions.

Meet my family!
Husband: Aaron
Daughters: Carter & Colby